Aardvark Daily aardvark (ard'-vark) a controversial animal with a long probing nose used for sniffing out the facts and stimulating thought and discussion.

NZ's leading source of Net-Industry news and commentary since 1995
Australasia's "New Economy" News And Commentary Site
The Best Of Aardvark Daily
Just a few of the daily columns that either broke important stories, generated lots of feedback, or rattled some cages during 2002.

  • What Ever Happened To Quality?
    When Aardvark suggested that the quality of even top-brand consumer electronics had declined significantly in recent years there was no shortage of people who agreed. This column attracted over 30,000 readers within 36 hours of being published and became the catalyst for significant discussion around the world.

  • Low-cost Card Offers Free Top-20 Music Downloads
    While the recording industry spends a fortune tracking down and suing the pants off file-traders, P2P networks and other forms of piracy, they've overlooked one piece of technology that allows anyone with a PC and a cheap add-on card to collect all the digital recordings they want -- absolutely free and at broadband speeds. Read this edition of Aardvark to find out what these cards are and how they're being used.

  • Who's Testing The Net-Traffic Meters?
    When you buy almost any product by measure, be it flour, petrol or whatever, the law demands that it be metered out by equipment that is regularly tested and verified by an independent and authorised body -- so as to ensure that consumers aren't being ripped off. So why isn't anyone verifying the systems that measure IP traffic when Net-users are forced to pay by the megabyte?

  • The Link With A $5,000 Fine Attached
    A summary of New Zealand's copyright laws as they apply to music, video and other material traded on the Net. This article also tells you why the publication of a single link could cost you a $5,000 fine.

  • Is Online Banking Risky? You Bet!
    A story that exposed just how risky it is to use online banking services and exactly where that risk comes from -- namely the draconian terms and conditions demanded by some online banks.

  • Hundreds Of DSL Users At Risk
    Aardvark blows the whistle on something which has possibly left thousands of Telecom DSL users exposed to hacking by third parties. This column generated follow-up coverage in other tech-news publications and so much feedback that I gave up trying to publish those comments.

  • Life On the Net in 2004
    One of the most widely read editions ever published on Aardvark (around 50,000 page-views), this column takes a frightening look into what could be the future of digital rights management in just a couple of years' time.

  • Sky TV's UHF Service Cracked
    Another Aardvark scoop, this column highlighted a local website that was publishing details of how to receive SkyTV's pay-TV service for free through the use of some freely downloadable software. Once again, the mainstream media picked up on this story and the NZ Herald published a similar piece the next day.

  • The .DOC Disaster
    When a quick check revealed that the US government had nearly a quarter of a million Microsoft Word document files online which had been created using versions of the software that could also "leak" sensitive information from elsewhere on the author's hard drive, this column was the result.

  • Aussie Net Banking Shocker
    You think Kiwi online banks are bad? Just check out the scene in Australia!

  • NZ's First Spam-Friendly ISP?
    This column caused a real stink when it exposed the fact that a Kiw ISP actually sanctioned spam. They soon changed their mind however.

  • Palladium, More Precious Than Gold
    A look at Bill Gates' newest precious metal.

  • Jim Anderton, The Spammer's Friend
    Aardvark busts wide open the news that not only is a leading politician's website the perfect platform for spammers to relay their messages but the music it plays is being used without permission. The mainstream media subsiquently followed up on this story.

  • More Aussie Domain Name Spammers
    After busting ING for spamming just months earlier, this column exposed another scam operated by an Australian domain name registration company.

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