Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 4 January 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: james For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Record Companies Check out this link for what record companies take from artists: From: Brent For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Online Music Honesty Box It already exists - Has an intersting breakdown of who gets what from cd sales in their faq. From: Simon For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Paying Artists directly Fairtunes ( is an existing site that already lets you pay artists directly rather than via their record company. What I really want someone who is interviewing one of these atrists is to ask: "So how much money do _you_ lose when your CD is copied rather than burnt?" Aardvark Responds: Hey... great minds think alike! How come the recording industry hasn't told us about this site? :-)Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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