Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 8 January 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Paul Warner For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: DVD Recording The DVD will over the next few years replace the trusty old CD recorder. However in NZ it will not take off untill the prices come down. The prices quoted in the article are typical NZ cost plus mentality. When you can buy a DVD-RW recorder in the US for US$400- 500 and the blank DVD-R media for US$3-$10 per disk then look at the NZ prices it will not go anywhere soon in NZ. From: Joe For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: DVD Video..ever heard of XVCD? I recently have found that because of the nature of magnetic media (Videotape in this case) deteriorates(sp?) with age. I took it on myself to solve this problem by trying to transfer some of my much-loved 10 year old movies to a digital form. DVD was out as stated by Bruces article on the cost. Through my research in the last few weeks I have come across a method that gives near-DVD Quality at a reasonable price. After much testing and the purchase of a low-cost (but high quality) video capture card ($329) and freely available 'freeware/shareware' on the net. I have been able to transfer aging movies at convert them to near-DVD Quality from a recorded videotape to common CD-R with CD quality sound at about 1 hour per CD-R. This is in a format know as XVCD (Extended Video Compact Disk). These play great on certain brands DVD players. Although don't expect Dolby Digital or true stereo from them. Granted that people would have to have a compatiable DVD player to enjoy this but it seems like a low-cost 'middle of the road' between videotape and DVD. There is DVD writing software out there (the one I use for these XVCD's also does DVD) but a $69 a pop, its awful expensive if you mess on up. Even if it is rewritable. This XVCD system seems as it would be excellent for business presentation and the at home video buff.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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