Aardvark Daily aardvark (ard'-vark) a controversial animal with a long probing nose used for sniffing out the facts and stimulating thought and discussion.

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Note: This column represents the opinions of the writer and as such, is not represented as fact
One Of Those Days 11 January 2002 Edition
Previous Edition

Million $ Ideas
At last, the contents of Aardvark's "million-dollar ideas" notebook are revealed for all to see!
Click To See
My apologies for missing the usual morning publishing deadline for today's issue of Aardark. It's been one of those days and my time hasn't been my own today so I've only just been able to get to the keyboard.

The ease with which working on the Net makes it possible to get a lot done in a very short space of time was really made apparent today. When you're doing non-Net things, inordinate amounts of time can be spent travelling, waiting and being involved in generally non-productive activities.

Normal timely service will be resumed on Monday.

Need Cutting-Edge Copy?
As NZ's longest-running online commentator, I'm looking for extra syndication opportunities for this daily publication -- or I'm happy to write casual or regular material specifically to order for print or Net-based publications. If you're interested, drop me a line

Lighten Up
A Problem Shared...
Since webspate is cheap, this guy decided to share his problems with the world. I hope he's feeling better now.

Readers Say
(updated hourly)
Nothing Yet
Have Your Say

The Moron Spammer
Just look what happens when an idiot gets a computer and an internet connection. This log of correspondence and actions between a spammer and someone he ticked off shows just how the issue of unsolicited email really polarises people.

Robo Roach
It's great to see that the ingenuity of the Japanese is being put to good use.

There's Still Free Stuff Out There
A long time ago, when the Net was still quite new and people thought it had completely changed the basics of business, there were lots of free things on the Net.

I'm sure that if you were to look hard enough you'd probably find people who managed to make a damned good living during 1999 by simply by grabbing all the free stuff that was on offer.

Of course these days things are a little different. The party's over and the flow of free stuff has all but dried up.

However, there are still a few freebies about and here's one that was reported to me the other day:

Yes, now you too can have a much sought-after dot-TK domain name absolutely free of charge!

Dot TK???

Yes, the nice folks who run the Tokelau Islands registry are giving away free domain names.

Of course all the good ones (ie: short, generic or otherwise more valuable than the likes of "goglewarknoffle.tk") are subject to a small ($500/year) fee -- but a lot of others are still available for the asking.

That's what I found this week... what freebies have you found that Aardvark's readers should know about?

Have your say (remember to select For Publication if you want to see your comments on this page).

It's Still Free -- So Pay Up!
Every month, Aardvark scores over half a million hits, at least 150K page views and delivers more than 6GB of data to visitors.

All this traffic has meant that I've had to shift the site to a new server to ensure that your daily dose is always fresh and delivered to your browser with minimal delays.

I also invest over 300 hours per year writing the daily column and compiling the day's news index -- all for your illumination and entertainment.

If you haven't sent any money to help offset the costs of running this ad-free, 100% Kiwi, always fresh, often controversial site then you can give yourself the warm-fuzzies this Christmas by doing so now.

Just drop by, click on the Aardvark, and hand over your loot.

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Aardvark also makes a summary of this daily column available via XML using the RSS format. More details can be found here.

Contact me if you decide to use either of these feeds and have any problems.

Did you tell someone else about Aardvark today? If not then do it now!

There are new Vacancies Last added 2 Oct In The Job Centre

There are 14 Domain Names for sale

Security Alerts
Admins asked to check buggy line printer daemons (AAP - 08/11/2001)

New vulnerability exposes Excel and PowerPoint macros ZDNet - 29/10/2001)

Microsoft tightens software security (CNet - 16/08/2001t)

Code Red Worm A 'Runaway Success' (7amNews - 20/07/2001)

Virus Alerts
Happy New Year' worm hits Windows (ZDNet - 19/12/2001)

E-mail worm Gokar spreading (CNet - 13/12/2001)

Hybrid DDoS worm strikes MS servers (ZDNet - 23/11/2001)

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NZ Herald Tech
PC World NZ
NZOOM Technology WordWorx

AUS Sites
Fairfax IT
Australian IT
AFR Tech
AUS Netguide
NineMSN Tech
APC Magazine

USA Sites
CNNfn Tech
Yahoo Tech
ZDNet Tech
USA Today Tech
7am.com SciTech

UK Sites
The Register
BBC SciTech


The Day's Top News
Open in New Window = open in new window
New Zealand

Open in New Window ChCh computing college to open in February
Plans to launch a specialist computing school for seventh formers in Christchurch are proceeding well, says Canterbury Development Corporation education strategy manager Graeme Plummer...

Open in New Window Online Bursary results exceed expectations
Students are no longer chewing their fingernails in frustration waiting for exam results – thousands of bursary students are using the Qualifications Authority (NZQA) website to access their results...


Open in New Window Norway Cracks Down on DVD Hacker
A teen who in 1999 created a utility to bypass DVD copy protection gets indicted. Jon Johansen, 18, faces up to two years in jail...

Open in New Window Napster's Back, Almost
The new subscription service will offer downloads for a fee, and unlike its competitors, some of that music will be portable. But the biggest competition for all the download services could be a streaming service from...

Open in New Window Rewritable DVD rivals make their case
As the DVD rewritable market heats up, a lot is riding on which format, if any, becomes dominant. Two groups striving to spread their respective formats take a stand at CES...

Open in New Window ICANN pushes members-only domains
The president of the group that oversees the Internet's naming system favors creating new members-only suffixes over unrestricted domains such as .com, .biz and .info...

Open in New Window MS: Stay away from our depositions
Microsoft filed a motion that, if successful, would bar the public from access to any future depositions in its antitrust case, but The New York Times and other media organizations will likely oppose i...


Open in New Window Tech savvy Australians log on and connect
More than 80 million Internet users logged on for the first time. Telephone traffic grew by 10 billion minutes, while tourists made 50 million more trips across international borders...

Open in New Window BigPond lifts speed barrier
BIGPOND broadband customers that switch to higher plans will no longer have their old speed caps enforced, the company says...
Australian IT


Open in New Window Virus Targets Microsoft Web Services Software
Someone has written a virus targeting Microsoft Corp.'s Web services software, which has yet to be released, security experts said on Wednesday...

Open in New Window Search firms deliver mixed results
The varying strategies of search firms is a symptom of an industry that has been in flux for at least two years, since the decline of the banner ad business and the storming success of Google Inc's search engine...
The Register

Open in New Window 21st Century Tech Strategy War: Apple vs. Microsoft
Who will rule the multimedia universe? Microsoft's Bill Gates, with his .NET strategy? Or Apple's Steve Jobs, who intends for the Mac to serve as a digital hub...

Open in New Window Aguilera Threatens Suit Over Internet Porn Video
Pop diva Christina Aguilera Wednesday threatened to take legal action against the distributors of an online porn video purported to include sexually explicit images of the singer...

Open in New Window InterTrust to protect tunes on Sanyo device
The company, which makes software that protects songs and videos from being illegally copied, licenses its technology to Sanyo for a new digital music device...

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