Note: This column represents the opinions
of the writer and as such, is not represented as fact
At last,
the contents of Aardvark's "million-dollar ideas" notebook
are revealed for all to see!
My apologies for missing the usual morning publishing deadline for today's
issue of Aardark. It's been one of those days and my time hasn't been my
own today so I've only just been able to get to the keyboard.
The ease with which working on the Net makes it possible to get a lot done
in a very short space of time was really made apparent today. When you're
doing non-Net things, inordinate amounts of time can be spent travelling,
waiting and being involved in generally non-productive activities.
Normal timely service will be resumed on Monday.
Need Cutting-Edge Copy?
As NZ's longest-running online commentator, I'm looking for
extra syndication opportunities for this daily publication -- or I'm happy
to write casual or regular material specifically to order for print or
Net-based publications. If you're
interested, drop me a line
Lighten Up
A Problem Shared...
Since webspate is cheap, this guy decided to share his problems with the world.
I hope he's feeling better now.
The Moron Spammer
Just look what happens when an idiot gets a computer and an internet connection.
This log of correspondence and actions between a spammer and someone he ticked
off shows just how the issue of unsolicited email really polarises people.
Robo Roach
It's great to see that the ingenuity of the Japanese is being put to good use.
There's Still Free Stuff Out There
A long time ago, when the Net was still quite new and people thought it had
completely changed the basics of business, there were lots of free things
on the Net.
I'm sure that if you were to look hard enough you'd probably find people who
managed to make a damned good living during 1999 by simply by grabbing
all the free stuff that was on offer.
Of course these days things are a little different. The party's over and
the flow of free stuff has all but dried up.
However, there are still a few freebies about and here's one that was
reported to me the other day:
Yes, now you too can have a much sought-after dot-TK domain name absolutely
free of charge!
Dot TK???
Yes, the nice folks who run the Tokelau Islands registry
are giving away free domain names.
Of course all the good ones (ie: short, generic or otherwise more valuable than
the likes of "") are subject to a small ($500/year) fee -- but
a lot of others are still available for the asking.
That's what I found this week... what freebies have you found that Aardvark's
readers should know about?
Have your say (remember to select For Publication
if you want to see your comments on this page).
It's Still Free -- So Pay Up!
Every month, Aardvark scores over half a million hits, at least 150K page views and
delivers more than 6GB of data to visitors.
All this traffic has meant that I've had to shift the site to a new server
to ensure that your daily dose is always fresh and delivered to your
browser with minimal delays.
I also invest over 300 hours per year writing the daily column and compiling
the day's news index -- all for your illumination and entertainment.
If you haven't sent any money to help offset the costs of running this
ad-free, 100% Kiwi, always fresh, often controversial site then you can give
yourself the warm-fuzzies this Christmas by doing so now.
Just drop by, click on the Aardvark, and
hand over your loot.
Add Aardvark To Your Own Website!
Got a moment? Want a little extra fresh content for your own website or
Just add a
couple of lines of JavaScript
to your pages and you can get
a free summary of Aardvark's daily commentary -- automatically updated
each and every week-day.
Aardvark also makes a summary of this daily column available via XML using
the RSS format. More details can be found
Contact me if you decide to use either of these feeds and
have any problems.
Did you tell someone else about Aardvark today? If not then do it
There are new Vacancies Last added 2 Oct In The Job Centre
There are 14 Domain Names for sale