Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 30 January 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: David Farrar For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Online tutorial The suggestion that InternetNZ create a suitable online tutorial for locan net users is one which I think has merit. For a while I've been thinking it would be great if the InternetNZ website could become almost a portal for all the information people need on the Internet in NZ. FAQs, RFCs, List of ISPs, Netiquette, Net Safety, Viruses, Hacking etc. However this is not a trivial task and something which has to be planned for. InternetNZ is going to be asking for input in February into its draft strategic plan for the next three years which will define key areas of activity such as potentially this one. Suggestions such as this one will be most welcome. From: Peter For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: ISP tutorial Your article about ISPs educating their customers is very interesting. While in Aust recently, I joined Bigpond to gain a local ISP. Each week they emailed me a series of tutorials (in plain text). Together these make up a good beginners intro to the internet. It appears they do this automatically for each new customer. The point is that this can be done, and is being done by ISPs who are interested in providing service to their customers. From: Michael Woodhams For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Caller ID I recently discovered (via moving and changing phone number) that my ISP (Freenet) use caller ID on dialups, and refuse connection if it is not from the phone number set for that account. It was a bit of a hassle when I moved (especially as I had to diagnose the problem first) but it would have prevented your friend's problem. How difficult would it be for ISPs to record caller IDs of dialup sessions? Even if they don't deny access on that account (like Freenet) it would at least give an excellent starting point for a fraud investigation, and possibly blacklisting of the perpetrator by multiple ISPs. There are rare cases where you might not want caller ID recorded for privacy reasons. Possibly this could be offered with the ability to opt out.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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