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Damned If You Do, Damned If You Don't 11 February 2002 Edition
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Who can survive in today's modern world without the aid of the latest technology?

Computers, Internet cellphones -- they're all an absolute essential ingredient of doing business, and a major convenience for most people.

The big problem is that the risks associated with these technologies appears to be growing at a much faster rate than the benefits they offer.

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As NZ's longest-running online commentator, I'm looking for extra syndication opportunities for this daily publication -- or I'm happy to write casual or regular material specifically to order for print or Net-based publications. If you're interested, drop me a line

If a hacker doesn't break into your PC or send you a nasty worm/virus/trojan via email, chances are that your cellphone will fry your brain with unhealthy levels of radiation.

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Even Microsoft's new "Trustworthy Computing" initiative and their moratorium on new feature development this month in favour of bug-hunting seems to have had absolutely no effect on the level of risk.

I see in today's headlines that an IE bug leaves MSN messenger users wide open to potential security breaches -- and what's worse, the "fix" released on Thursday seems to have failed the company's own "Trustworthy" label and had to be pulled. Not a good look and hardly something that inspires confidence in the company's ability to carry out its promises (I did suggest that they were perhaps way out of their depth on this one).

Of course cellphone users are not immune. Some models of Nokia mobiles can be scuttled by a carefully crafted SMS message -- and now there's a rather clever scam going down in the UK which has allegedly cost a few users a nice chunk of change.

According to a warning I received this weekend, someone in the UK is sending out bulk SMS messages that request the recipient to call a number (09011500065) urgently.

Apparently calls to this number incurs a much higher charge than normal (apparently something like an 0900 number) and (here's the cunning bit) such calls are automatically answered by a machine that plays a recording of the busy tone. This usually results in the caller thinking the number was engaged and trying again later. Of course they're charged for each call so the scam is capable of raking in quite a bit of cash.

Enjoy your shiny new hi-tech toys -- but please stay on your toes.

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Fear not readers, you won't see any ads on this page -- but I have added a new Marketplace section where, in response to what appears to be a definite demand, I'm accepting paid advertising.

Whether this works or not is really up to you -- the reader. If you visit this page regularly (don't worry, I'll remind you ;-) and support those who advertise there, then this could go a long way towards covering the costs of running this site. If not then I'll forget the idea.

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Security Alerts
Mac Office vulnerable, Microsoft warns (AAP - 07/02/2002)

BlackIce Firewalls Vulnerable To DOS Attack NewsBytes - 6/02/2002)

MIRC Chat Users Vulnerable To New Attack (NewsBytes - 4/02/2002)

'Dangerous' hole discovered in Morpheus (ZDNet - 4/02/2002)

Virus Alerts
Gigger worm can format Windows PCs (The Reg - 11/01/2002)

Happy New Year' worm hits Windows (ZDNet - 19/12/2001)

E-mail worm Gokar spreading (CNet - 13/12/2001)

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