Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 18 February 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: James For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Judge looks at porn site Three points: 1. Porn is running at only number 12 in the rankings of internet bandwidth by subject. Number 1 is music. I don't think the journalists / editors in question would have been interested if the judge had been caught listening to music, unless it was illegal of course. 2. I wonder what the newspaper's opinion would be if the judge had been caught doing some work, looking at legal papers / case histories / research on the internet from home. Perhaps we the public would have to pay him some extra money. 3. There is public interest when a judge demonstrates he/she is out of touch with the public. Now we have a newspaper trying to find out if there's public interest in the opposite. That's fair enough I suppose. Aardvark Responds In 1999, "sex" was the #1 search term (reference). According to this site, "sex" fell to number two position during 2000. This story claims that sex is now ranked 12th but also makes it clear that "sex sites might not get a lot of press, and no longer draw in the most users, but they certainly maintain high audience numbers." However, in a seemingly current report, the Internet survey company Websense quotes a source as claiming that "The No. 1 search term used at search engine sites is the word sex". From: MrPinga For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: wasting tax payers money One has to wonder which is more wasteful... looking at some nudie pictures on a work internet connection OR spending weeks paying some consultants bucketloads of cash (by the hour i would bet) to say "yeah... looking at nudie pictures using your work internet connection is bad mmmkay?, dont do it again mmmkay?" and then typing that up into a 400page report. And what about 'questionable' and (usually) unsolicated 'joke' emails that get sent around? I'm sure that many of those in the public sector are on the receiving end of the numerous attachments that fly around every day... perhaps the government should investigate that too... why not... its not like the auckland hospitals need $72 million or anything... From: Paul Stevens For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Sensible summary What a pleasure it was to read your oh so sensible summary of this "net scandal" that has been spalshed over the mainstream media. The points that you raised were spot on, and I personally believe that it is a great shame that such a (relatively) small number of people will read your sensible commentary on this issue. You REALLY do have your head screwed on and it is quite simply a farce that we are virtually force fed this sort of nonsense that has appeared in the errant, mainstream media.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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