Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 4 March 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: John Wooding For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: 99.999%??? This problem is big but there are more insidious issues. Last week we spent a whole day tracking down an issue that meant that some NZ users could see one of our client sites and others could not. These things are important to us and so we drop everything when an issue occurs. We checked everything but found nothing … the clue to the reason came from an Orcon notification of a ‘core’ Telecom outage. I think we found the culprit. The client lost sales [read money], we lost time [read money] … and Telecom is claiming 99.999% up time with vast profits. John PS My ADSL was out most of the weekend too. From: Dominic For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Online advertsing I think the advertising industry is after new ideas but they also have accountability to deal with. It's all very well having ideas; if these can't fit into the existing mould, they tend to get rejected. A problem area. The Internet doesn't fit into any moulds. It is a mould in its own, but it doesn't seem or feel like it. What I think isn't helping the advertising industry in its task of adapting to the Internet, is that the Internet is so complex. It is also dynamic and further, global. There are so many variables to consider and sometimes one's head stops after a while! I wouldn't be surprised if an investor here has strong beliefs and makes decisions against these rather than results from trials, where sometimes, their beliefs get turned upside down. I recognise that advertising executives might find my next comment hard to take: I think the advertising industry should be run by those that actually make the Internet what it is. These people live the emotions that make the Internet. They live the culture of it. As a result, they are in comfort with what ever solution ACTUALLY DOES work on it, however, strange, unacceptable, or a misfit it may be, bearing in mind that those descriptives may only apply to the world before the Internet. From: Hamish MacEwan For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: The WWW Free Ride Has been given to the advertisers. Foolishly, because they could, banner advertising allowed itself to be based on click-through at rates that didn't reflect how utterly this metric undermeasures the impact, exposure, or impressions, that unclicked banners gave to advertisers... Do you think we would have newspapers, radios or TV, if it had been funded only when a viewer stopped what they were doing to respond to advertisements? At this stage, the only solution is to retreat to a cost-structure that can be supported by minimal advertising revenue... rather one hopes by people who love it, rather than the money, ... like Bruce, <grin>.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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