Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 19 March 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Bede For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: SKy tv Oh yes and dont forget with your box theres a lot of software unencryption programs you can use to get cable / sattilite tv... so if you add one of those to your boxen u get free sky to boot! From: Robert Burling-Claridge For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Set-top box options I agree with your assessment of the desirability and versatility of a computer-based set-top for entertainment centre. However there is one missing link, and thats the DVD writer. While these are available, they are horrendously expensive, and the reliability, readibility and ease of use, are much like the first of the CD writers. I can definitely see the technology moving as you are sugesting, but its a bit of a stretch to say this will be available in the $1000 computer! One would not want to set up such a system to run into poorer quality, small moniotrs, for example (although even a 14" computer monitor is better size and MUCH better resolution than the small TV screens). There is also the thorny question of copyright, and possible actions by various vendors and suppliers to screw with copying systems such that if you can copy at all, the quality will be too poor to make it worth while. I think its a bit early to consider setting up such a system as a complete replacement, but the day is rapidly approaching when that will no longer be true. From: Simon Drain For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: E-mails to MPs Last week, you discussed the problems you had in sending an e-mail to an MP, and how he wanted to send a letter back. On the weekend, I sent an e-mail to Nandor Tanzcos. I doubted that I would get a response at all. On the one hand, the Green MPs were probably reluctant to turn on the computers as it uses precious electricity, but on the other hand, they probably didn't want to use precious paper to post a letter either! To my surprise, I got an e-mail last night. And more surprising, it looks like it was written by Nandor himself! It was a rather casual response, and was signed off with his first name only. Way to go, Nandor! From: Chris For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: PC in your rack Funny you should mention the PC replacing the home entertainment system. Many times, over a few drinks on a Friday, myself and collegues have discussed the merits of having a small PC lodged into the stereo stack. We even designed it, created it, and did everything but install it. It's a great idea, it's time has almost come. Cost? Using your existing TV as the screen, unit is under $1,200+GST and the price drops almost daily. When DVD burners (and media) drop to realistic prices, this unit will become highly marketable. The market? Sadly, for the near future, there are not enough clever people out there who can drive one of these machines. Most people still can't program their videos yet! From: Bede For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: tivo I saw some cheap hd recording vcr type devices while in the states a few years ago they came with a 20 gig drive and cost a mere $300 us I imagine they would be down to $300 nzd by now From: craig sutton For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: SKY PVR box Let me get this right. Sky downgrades its current receiver software and makes it frustrating slow and buggy for the user to use. Then says when it launches a PVR box it will be marketed directly to consumers in the shops. This puts ALL the cost of the unit onto the consumer. For what is a limited unit that will only record SKYS encrypted signal format (and possibly terrestrial FTA's) the box would be useless when any other pay tv service launches. Another point, in the U.K where these have been launched you actually pay a separate subscription for the pleasure of using the "personal program guide" that the PVR works with. Rupert Murdoch is in trouble in the U.K just do a search in the search engines for articles about Canal+ NDS. According to report he got his techs to hack a competing PAY tv encryption and releeased the codes on the net. He is being sued for about 3 Billion!! If this goes through it could be the end of him and Sky TV. None of the press in NZ is reporting on this...which is not surprising considering the media link between Sky and INL. Skys shares in the U.K have plummeted..Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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