Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 21 March 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Frank March For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: IT Sector 'standstill' You apprear to have failed to read beyond the headline which is quite misleading. We have been accustomed to unabated headlong growth in the ICT sector for so long that the idea that such growth might slow to mere normality cf the rest of the economy is perhaps a surprise, but hardly a disaster. In fact over the past year there has been shrinkage in some overseas markets, while the NZ market has continued to expand at roughly the same rate in 2000 and 2001 (5% and 4% respectively). IDC have predicted growth to fall to just under 1% next year; they are probably right as there was actually a small decrease in the value of computer imports in calendar year 2001. But note that thisis expected to be the bottom of a trough with small increases from then on. The really good news in 2001 as that NZ exports of computer and communications hardware and software expanded by 12% to reachover NZ$770 million. Source: Frank March Senior Specialist Advisor Ministry of Economic Development From: Soaringjunkie For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Lotus & ORBZ From what I understand, the legal action that resulted in the closure of ORBZ was not from Lotus Software - rather it seems from a/some sites that were effected by the "Lotus Domino" issue...unfortunately at this stage the details are sketchy at best... What a pitty that they (the Domino sites) had such a knee jerk reaction to an issue that could be resolved simply by "correcting" setup or upgrading to release 5.0.9! Given the sketchy nature of the details, I almost wonder if Ian Gulliver used this as an excuse to exit? (oh what a suspicious mind I have!) Not good press for Lotus - however if we look at their track record, they are still head and shoulders above MS in the security stakes.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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