Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 9 April 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Dominic For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: Be careful: The Net in 2004 Bruce, I'm a little concerned about your column today. Whilst I come across similar depictions on the Net, some of these depictions do not get the exposure that your one does. I find you to be an honest person (which is good; the Net's socio-political scene needs someone who is honest), evidently computer literate, and clearly a person that has grown up with the Net. I also find that you are applying life experience to your articles. You remember life before the Net and with the Net. I think that the Net is evolving around certain people who struggle to adjust it. One thing is clear, those that are running this world, are treating the Net according to the world before it. In my opinion, this is unethical and immoral - altogether wrong. But, these people don't see it that way. And they can't be expected to. I sensed a strong money tone in your article. Much of your article was opinion. It WILL appeal to those who care only of their interests. And this is one thing I am upset about. I got put off by the article and frightened at the same time. Sure, it is possible that some of the scenario you've described may become real and that efforts are already underway to make it so. Still, has anyone got proof of this? On the Internet, I find there is too much material capable of distracting my thinking and cultivating new thinking in me. Commerce may have a huge footprint on the Internet but it hasn't taken over completely. And if developments like "Peek-a-booty" eventuate, it will be possible to "get past" the influence of commerce, to an extent. Read the web site to learn more about it. Bruce, organisations world wide are looking for a relationship licence to do what they want, proper or not. Sep 11 gave the USA a licence to control the world. Whilst I appreciate you were trying to be work with "reality", I feel your article didn't help with respect to the evolution of the Internet and those people that try to ensure there is a reasonable balance (this not controlled by commerce) between commerce and freedom on it. From: Kez For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Computing in 2004 Suddenly your PC's screen clears and the image of a naked woman in a seductive pose appears. Oh no, more porno-hacks. Maybe you should have downloaded those latest security patches after all. Hey, that's a feature, not a bug! From: chris For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: damn that's scary! Hopefully that scenario will never happen but sadly I think you could be close to the truth......Maybe(;-}) we'll just have to go underground again, like the old days. From: James Mullin For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: The Internet of 2004 That's OK, if it gets any where near as bad as you suggest the same thing will happen to my Internet life that happened to my commercial TV watching. I'll simply do something else with my time and money and remember the good old days.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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