Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 15 May 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Nick For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: The Music Industry The answer to stemming the tide of CD Burning for Music Companies is simple- add value!. Make the punter want to by the CD, not just for the music, but for the value add. Sugguestions: Package the CD in an LP sized format-in the late 90's Sony released a Miles Davis tribute on gold CD and on Virgin Vinyl. Purchases of the CD version wanted the LP packaging as it looked expensive (printed on high quality cardboard), was easier to read and gave a sense of pride in ownership. After many complaints of the poor quality CD packaging, Sony changed the packaging on the CD to match the LP. You think they would have learnt that lesson. -print a unique 'ownership number' on each CD which you can use to access a dedicated website for more information on the band, discounts to concerts or when purchasing other CD's from the company. These are just 2 easy value adds that would encourage people to purchase ligitimate CDs. Copy protection wont work: never has, never will. From: Matt For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Kills iMacs If these CDs have the official "CD" mark on them, the one indicating red-book compliance, then hapless iMac users could really shaft the labels. After all, assuming that the CD-ROM drives in an iMac are red-book compliant, any "CD" marked CD should play in their CD-ROM drives. Here in NZ, that would be considered a breach of the Consumer Guarantees Act - You have purchased something that has a label with a certified meaning, and that doesn't then work, so you therefore have rights under the Act. Any lawyers know if that would include billing the mfr of the CD for the costs of restoring your iMac to a functioning state? From: Graham Oliver For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Norton Antivirus Upgrade I was advised a few days ago as the proud owner of Norton System Works 2000, that I could only pay for 1 more year of virus signature updates before I would have to buy a new product! Very kind :-) From: Brett For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: cds and viruses as far as cds go, i agree vinyl, tapes and cds have always been copied and always will be. i don't think there's a way to stop it. what's bothering the riaa is the distribution system that now exists - the internet. i agree the way to compete is to get punters to buy the cds, but many punters are sick of being ripped off by the riaa members. used to be you could buy vinyl with more than ten good tracks, now you're lucky to get two. i looked at a classical cd the other day, made in the 1960s and it was still $34.95 for the cd. that seems excessive. it doesn't seem to have occured to the riaa members that the main reason for their drop in sales may be that what they are selling, in my opinion, is crap. the basic rule in business(i was taught by a californian multi-millionaire - no, really i was!) is "sell a good product at a reasonable price and treat your customers like human beings." the riaa could take note. as to virus checkers, i would abandon norton. try: if you want to pay for a good virus-checker, about $US20 i think. if you want a free one, try: they're both good, the main difference is that e-trust put out new virus data files about once a day, and avg does it about once a month.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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