Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 20 May 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: John Little For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: Unfair castigation Bruce, you are quick to criticize others who do not avail themselves of the medium's capabilities, so I would like to question your use of the following unsubstantiated, sarcastic rhetorical question: "But what else could we expect from a party that continues to offer Maurice Williamson as their IT spokesman and presumably, if they were elected to government, their IT Minister? " Such remarks are standard language from politicians, but a commentator could provide a link to a set of criticisms, or to a set of links to stories revealing Maurice Williamson's performance. I share (what I presume is) your opinion of his performance in government, but that was a while ago. Aardvark Responds: Today's column was already longer than I consider reasonable and therefor I didn't include references to support my criticism of Maurice Williamson -- figuring that most readers will be well aware of his prior performance (or lack thereof). Am I being unfair in my criticism of Maurice? Please weigh in with your own opinion. From: Ian For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Government & IT The government wouldn't know what IT was if it jumped up and bit them in the backside... Very recently, in the past two weeks, the immigration service listed IT professionals as lacking in New Zealand. They are actively going to bring in skilled immigrants with IT skills to work in Wellington. Headline in Infotech this morning "Prospects bleak for jobless" We have seen hundreds and hundreds of layoffs in the past six months and the goverment seems to think that we have an IT worker shortage. I think it is unfair to pick on Maurice W when they all seem to suffer from the same brain dead quality. See for yourself, the definition of "stupid." Slow to learn or understand; obtuse. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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