Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 10 June 2002
The following is a small excerpt of the email received (which was marked
"for publication") following the announcement that I'm having to give up
writing the Daily Aardvark column.
Many thanks to the numerous others who offered to assist Aardvark by providing free web-hosting and other services. Hosting the site is not a significant expense -- most of the costs stem from the amount of the time it takes to write the column, aggregate the headlines, and deal with all the email messages that often result from my outspoken writing. Will Aardvark ever return? I don't know. I guess that if the X-Jet project turns to custard through lack of funding then I may well end up on the dole -- in which case I'll have plenty of time to revive it :-) However, I've just been invited to take an engine to the Farnborough Airshow in July so, for at least the next couple of months, I'll be head-down, bum-up chasing the funds to build it and working at least 18-hour days in order to get the job done in time.
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Robbie Steele For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Sorry to see you going.... My word, its the end of the world... the solar system... the universe... well maybe not that bad, but its bad enough. When I first came across Aardvark I was immediatly captured by the ease of reading and the comments from Bruce. I have used aardvark as a source for a lot of information and I am greatful for Bruce in suppling this information... I'm sorry to see you go Aardvark... Maybe in a better world when the internet is actually free for hosting and/or creating we might see you again... From: Edwin Hermann For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: End of File Hi Bruce, Well, what can I say that hasn't been said before? It truly is sad that Aardvark is closing, but then, I can totally see your point of view. Best of luck with whatever you decide to do, whether it's the X-Jet Engine or something else. Thank you for providing such a valuable, eye-opening column, not to mention unique. It is something that won't be and can't be totally replaced. Let me finish by telling you how I first found out about Aardvark: I was a student at university and when I logged into my Unix account I found I was locked out and was asked to see the Director of the Information Technology department. It turned out that my webpage hosted on my university account was featured on Aardvark's "I can't believe it's true" section. My website had a number of satirical defaced logs (ie: Trustbank restyled to Crustbank, etc). Thanks Bruce. Edwin Hermann. From: Bruce G For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Dont' go! Bruce, Aardvark has to stay! Like thousands of others this website has become not just part of our daily habit, but even more so, the first stop every morning monday thru friday for so long we can't conceive of its' demise. If it is dollars, tell us how much you need. If it is editorial support, show us how we can help. If it be a hosting and/or traffic issue, tell us, and we will solve it. The response to your news yesterday should be evidence indeed that not only will Aardvark be sorely missed, but there are many out here who are ready and willing to do what it takes so Aardavark lives. However if the decision to go is final, like so many others I thankyou for your courage, your intelligent and thought-provoking writing, and your showing the way for all of us. Hell, even Danny was moved to call you a mate! :-) From: james For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: no don't go! no don't go! ill subscribe From: Dennis For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Long live Aardvark Also very sad to see Aardvark go. It was my first visit each day. Would it be worth turning Aardvark into a forum site where those who have logged in each day can discuss and incite? I have to admit I have not donated any hard earned cash to the Aardvark coffers but now faced with its disappearance I would certainly cough up a fee to keep it going. This is all probably irrelevant anyway since you may be making good progress with your real baby - the jet engine. Hope it all goes well and I look forward to riding my Simpson powered Segway soon. Many thanks. From: Jonathan Dodd For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: who says websites are cold and impersonal? Very very sorry Bruce to see Aardvark go! You've been the first thing I read every day for the last few years, and have really been the most sane commentary around. Your wit, toughness and technical expertise, coupled with the knowledge of what the web CAN and SHOULD be like has made a huge difference to us all. Especially as you write from the heart, wotuhout having to pander to a prescribed editorial style - journalism has been the winner for it. I write a weekly internet column for the NBR and so can really appreciate what you must have laid out for all us readers, doing this every day for so long - granted, Telecom has given you enough material!!! :-) Want to appear like the most informed person around in regards to current web issues? Just read aardark every day! Logging onto to you has been an important part of my daily lifestyle and writing the thing must have been for you. And as we all sit here lamenting your loss, how many of us have actually paid you??? Not me, and it really brings home to people involved in the industry like myself just how complex an issue like free / paid content is. Or.... perhaps this is just an elaborate ploy to finally get us to pay??? Howsabout trialling some kind of payment system now the addicts are without their aardvark fix?? I for one will pay - I hope others finally accept this necessity. If this doesn't work out, well, good luck in future endeavours. From: Rob K For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: AARRRRGGGG!!!!! You can't go!!! Ok, I'm not a financial wizard with lots of extra cash to sink into your site... but I've got to tell you, you make a difference in my decision making and they way I influence my customer base. For the effort, good times and fun, I thank you. For the effect you've had on the world, I stand in awe. Please, keep your readers informed of what you're doing. Thanks. Rob K Baton Rouge, LA From: Painty For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Thanks for all your efforts RIP Aardvark. You will be missed From: Philip For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Thanks... Well, while I will obviously be disappointed if Aardvark ceases "sniffing out the facts and stimulating thought and discussion" I want to thank you for the effort you've put into the site over the years. From: Danny de Hek For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: We are all going to miss ya! Hello Bruce! We are all going to miss the Daily Aardvark! (mean it) My business (NewZealandNZ Limited) has become to be a very good business turning over good dollars! but as you know it is not just money and this is why I still love it as I enjoy the job as well! Thanks for featuring me in the 'These people include the newsworthy, notorious or just plain nice folks who have directly or indirectly played a part in making Aardvark the popular site it has become.' I was listed first!!! now what cat do I come under? you forgot to say friends in the list! well you always are welcome to visit me in my office in Christchurch if you come down this way! also if you need a hand on promoting your new business idea you are welcome to have one of my Advertising Blitz (FREE) see blitz.html Sorry my grammar is still poor my writer is having a day off!! Cheers mate. From: Dominic For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: Aardvark will be missed If you should stop Aardvark, I will surely miss it. There is no doubt in my mind that you have influenced the IT industry in NZ. I fear that your absence will erode any constructive developments that have put certain IT efforts on proper course. IT is a complex field and few people have a thorough and integral understanding of it and how it relates to social, political, and economic development. I gather that most of those that read Aardvark are those few. And it's damn bloody nice (and crucial) that we have such people in NZ! I'm sure there is a "similar" Aardvark on the Net, perhaps not catering for a NZ audience but nonetheless, some of the content does apply to NZ. From: Peter Harrison For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Nooooooo!!!! The loss of Aardvark would be simply a tradegy. I remember waking up and logging on to Aarkvark on the morning of Sept 11 - and seeing the twin towers. Thats how I found out - by Aardvark - not CNN. I believe Aardvark has been an excellent resource for the IT community, and I for one would be very sorry to see it depart. There are two issues of course. First there is the money to keep it going - hosting costs. By hosting overseas perhaps we can reduce the hosting cost. At about 10GB a month (I think that was the figure) I think we could find some companies to sponsor Aardvark - I for one would be keen to fund hosting. The second issue is the time Bruce spent on writing articles each day. Perhaps we could turn Aardvark into a New Zealand Slashdot? Less the comments about stories perhaps. We could have a pool of writers. Perhaps this would mean loosing the appeal of Bruce's writing style, but why not have a wider range of opnions? Perhaps we can revisit how much Aardvark costs to run, and see if we can find a way to fund it trough other avenues. Regards, Peter From: Grant For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Sorry to see you go I have enjoyed your writing over the last couple of years. I wish you all the best for the future and the X-Jet. Hopefully we will see you name pop-up on other sites in the future when something/someone needs to be set straight. From: Tom Scott For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: The future, I am very saddened to read of your possible closing down of Aardvark. I would miss such a publication. It is the first thing I read every day when I go online. You have provided me with some very interesting news and coloumns that don't get published anywhere else. I do hope you keep going in some form or other. Regards, From: Geoff Pooch For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Aarvark survival instinct I'd very sad to hear of Aardvarks impending demise. It has the first website I look at every morning, finding the rant and rave to be informative and invigorating, and the links to news columns valuable. Lose the news links, but keep feeding us your ravings. IDG and others are stomping in with news links, and it's difficult to compete with their muscle. But your opinions are more meaty that the skilled musings of Paul B. (which I also enjoy). Perhaps an Aarvark weekly will rear it's head with some precise commentary, especially topics the mainstream press are relucant to cover... Thanks for many years of excellent reporting. Cheers, Geoff (with sudden pangs of guilt that I haven't donated to the Aardvark begging bowl) From: Philip S For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: For a couple of years its been my homepage Will be sad to see you go if/when you do =( As of yet I've not found a better homepage, nzcity didn't do it, slashdot was a little too technical, nz herald...when you can see past the adds I can pick up the paper etc etc. All of those are great for some people, but aardvark was the one for me. Good luck on the Jet Engine BruceHit Reload For Latest Comments
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