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Hundreds Of DSL Users At Risk 20 June 2002 Edition
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What do you do when you discover unexpected traffic appearing on your DSL account and then discover a situation that could see thousands of other DSL users exposed to the same risk?

This was the problem faced by Software Developer John Burns this week.

After noticing that something unusual was going on, he checked the logs on his modem and found that the configuration settings had been changed with extra port mappings added by a person or persons unknown.

"Someone was using my router as a stepping stone for the transfer of data" he told Aardvark.

There are several reasons why someone might want to do this. By using someone else's DSL modem as a proxy, the malevolent sod carrying out this hijacking can effectively disguise their own identity and location. Alternatively, they may simply be avoiding expensive international traffic charges against their own account by directing traffic through someone else's DSL connection.

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New this week: Writing an Effective Press Release

After finding the cause of the problem, Burns decided to check and see just how many other DSL users might be affected.

He wrote a program that scanned local IP numbers, looking for similarly vulnerable DSL users.

A scan of 5,000 potential computers produced a list of almost 500 vulnerable setups.

Burns is adamant that although the nature of the problem would have allowed him to have done significant mischief on the systems he checked, his program was only designed to detect exposed systems and prepare a list of email addresses he would use to contact these users and warn them of the risk.

Readers Say
(updated hourly)
  • Router Problems... - Craig
  • Informing People... - Andrew
  • security through obscurity... - Jared

    In response to overwhelming feedback (only a tiny percentage of which is included here) I have decided to publish the information sent to me by John Burns.

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    Unfortunately, it was this email that began to create problems for this benevolent hacker.

    Burns says "each user was individually emailed with a message telling them of the problem, and how to fix it. Some probably chose to treat it as a hoax, others returned by email asking for more information, some fixed the problem and sent me emails of praise, while others swore privacy infringement and contacted the police and their lawyers....All because I was trying to help them."

    Realising that not all those who received the email would understand how to fix the problem, Burns also offered his services to assist -- for a small fee. On reflection, he agrees that perhaps this wasn't a good idea and that as a result, the email may have been seen as a cheap trick to rake up some business.

    When asked why he didn't simply go straight to ISPs and inform them of the problem, Burns said he felt it was a good idea to keep the details restricted only to those who it affected rather than issue a general alert that might allow hackers to exploit the vulnerability.

    So, did Burns do the right thing?

    Well once the proposed anti-hacking legislation is enacted he would likely be exposed to the risk of prosecution for his actions -- is that fair?

    In performing automated port-scanning he's almost certainly breached the terms of service as laid down by his ISP -- but should he be penalised in this case?

    And where does the buck stop for problems like this?

    Ultimately it's probably not Telecom's or the ISP's fault or responsibility because the flaw is actually in the modem and the way it is configured. Burns says that the problem affects "almost every modem you can buy, nokia, dynalink, 3com, etc."

    If I were to be cynical (who me?) then I'd suggest that Telecom are probably not too interested in the problem anyway -- after all, JetStream users are responsible for paying all charges incurred on their account, even if those charges are the result of a hack. We've already been made very much aware of their "not our problem" approach to the risks that DSL users face from denial of service attacks and the traffic charges they can produce.

    Of course this whole situation also leaves me with a bit of dilemma. Do I publish details of the problem and the solution proposed by Burns so that people can fix the problem -- or do I continue the "security by obscurity" approach and hope that everyone will work it out for themselves before the hackers do?

    Burns' approach of directly emailing those affected starts to look rather sensible doesn't it?

    Note: This is not a new problem, but one which has surfaced previously -- although too many people are seemingly unaware of it. Burns has provided me with a document that describes the cause and effect of the problem, along with a remedy. Do I publish?

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