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Lighten Up 21 June 2002 Edition
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It's time for Aardvark's weekly dose of links to websites from the wackier side of the Net. If you have similar links you'd like to suggest then please send them to me.

When good spell-checkers go bad. Earlier this week, someone at the NZ Herald must have hit the wrong buttons when spellchecking this story about Saddam Hussein. Check out that headline and the first paragraph -- oh dear, how embarrassing! At least The Independent got it right.

When good translations go bad. Here is a great example of what happens when you use one of the automated online translation services to try and create a foreign language version of your website. I wonder if the Japanese author really knows how silly this sounds?

The website Of A Genius. If you've ever wondered what type of website a real genius might make then check this out. All those brains *and* such modesty too!

Feature: Promoting Your Website
Dont' forget to check out the series of hints on how to promote your website which will be regularly added to throughout the next few weeks.

New this week: Writing an Effective Press Release

Teflon Bill?
Over in the USA the courts are considering which bus ticket to use, and how damp to make it, when Microsoft gets its inevitable wrist-slapping for violation of anti-trust laws.

Closer to home, Auckland Lawyer Craig Horrocks is spitting tacks after failing in his attempt to get the Commerce Commission to give Microsoft a similar slapping over its new "give us all your money" software update plan for larger companies.

Well, it's actually more of a software non-update plan, and that's the crux of the matter. It seems that you could be asked to hand over a large fist-full of cash to Microsoft without any guarantee that you'll actually see any updates in return.

One can't help but wonder why the Commerce Commission seems to wimp out when presented with cases that involve large corporations such as Telecom or Microsoft. Sometimes their logic defies explanation -- but then again, perhaps we don't know the whole story, which leaves me asking why not?

Readers Say
(updated hourly)
From yesterday
  • Router Problems... - Craig
  • Informing People... - Andrew
  • security through obscurity... - Jared

    In response to overwhelming feedback (only a tiny percentage of which is included here) I have decided to publish the information sent to me by John Burns.

  • Have Your Say

    And why are Microsoft and so many other software vendors seemingly immune to the consumer protection laws that everyone else has to play by?

    If Ford were to launch a brand new car and it turned out that all the door locks were faulty, allowing thieves to break in to them and steal all the stereos, don't you think there'd be a whole lot more noise being made than is the case with Microsoft's software?

    Is it perhaps just that we've become desensitised to the flaws in Microsoft's products -- to the point where we expect it to be riddled with security holes?

    And when a car maker finds a major fault in one of its new vehicles, it issues a recall to have them fixed. The manufacturer pays for the labour and materials required to put things right. Who pays for a system administrator's time when they have to patch hundreds of machines thanks to another Microsoft hole?

    Yes, Mr Gates is truly wears a coat of teflon when it comes to consumer law.

    From Yesterday
    The overwhelming consensus from readers of yesterday's column was that security by obscurity is never a good idea. The vast majority of those who emailed me believed it would be better to expose the vulnerability, thus giving everyone the chance to check their own DSL setups and fix them if necessary.

    As a result of that feedback, I published the full text of an email provided by John Burns which outlines the cause, effect and remedy.

    Please also read my note at the bottom of that page.

    ISPs' response Burns' activities has been fairly swift and I believe that one provider has frozen his account, another has issued a stern warning against port probes directed at other people's systems.

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    As always, your comments are welcomed. Please remember to select "For Publication" if you want them included on this site.

    Have your say.

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    Security Alerts
    Holes Still Linger in Yahoo! Messenger (iNetNews - 06/06/2002)

    Experts warn of IE Gopher hole (ZDNet - 05/06/2002)

    DoS Hole Has Some DNS Servers In a BIND (iNetNews - 05/06/2002)

    Microsoft Exchange hole "critical" (CNet - 28/04/2002)

    Report: Hole found in Excel (ZDNet - 28/05/2002)

    Virus Alerts
    Soccer World Cup Virus Detected (iNetNews - 07/06/2002)

    Shakira worm rocks the Net (ZDNet - 06/06/2002)

    New viruses aim to cross multi platforms (ZDNet - 05/06/2002)

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    NZ Herald Tech
    PC World NZ
    NZOOM Technology WordWorx

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    AUS Netguide
    NineMSN Tech
    APC Magazine

    USA Sites
    CNNfn Tech
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    USA Today Tech
    7am.com SciTech

    UK Sites
    The Register
    BBC SciTech


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