Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 2 July 2002
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From: Peter For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: MS backdoor via EULA The ability of MS to alter software on a users PC without permission is seriously concerning. Another concern is that to achive this, MS must have programmed in a backdoor type of access into Windows / WMP. If MS can do things on your PC without your permission, then potentially other people could do likewise. And it appears a firewall / virus checker won't protect you. I moved my home PC across to Linux last year, and I'm glad I did. From: Gavin For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: MS EULA I was going to purchase Windows XP pro next month for my main system at home, but now after MS's "big brother" attitude in their software, Ill be going to the Linux camp and keep a copy of 98/2k installed just for games and hope they (MS) dont take over my keyboard just as Im about to win a game ;) While researching an error for a client I came across this in the MS Support database. I dont think it will be a popular link anymore (if it ever was) ;);en-us;Q314458 From: Peter For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: Advantage GROUP Let us not forget who "designed" the abortion of the DomaiNZ registration system. (Advantage GROUP) Showing absolutely NO experience or "feeling" about internet-based systems, they put something together which somehow managed to avoid all the existing and built-in standards of things "Internet" and started from (ground?) zero. Was it late? (yes) Was it over budget? (yes) Was it delivered to specification, or did it need changes to operate? (it needed critical changes made to get it to actually work) Who was in charge at DomaiNZ when Advantage GROUP was selected? (Patrick...... ;-) I've been following the Advantage GROUP share price with interest over the years, and I take some comfort from knowing that the (investment) market are wise to Advantage GROUP's general incompetence away from core business. Another gem they promoted that crashed and burned: Internet browser enabled EFTPOS machines. (good gawd). If it wasn't for their bread and butter income from their basic EFTPOS offerings, this company would have been down the toilet a long time ago. From: Scott Bruce For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Advantage Name With the ink still not dry on the court decission handed down to Advantage Group after a lengthy High Court Trademark ruling and one that Advantage Group are more likely to appeal and fight on. But I ask - what is in a name and is it worth a battle? The cost of fighting to keep the Advantage brand has been costly for both Advantage Group and Advantage Computers with only Advantage Group making provisions for the expense 2 years previous, money better spent in a re-branding exercise. A good example of such being Fontera, although not legally bound to change its name has leveraged a new brand of quality in a short space of time. Advantage Group have been through the mill in recent years, with acquisitions of high performing tech companies such as Campbell Pope, WebMasters and Glazier the dot com bubble burst, world terrorism and various non performing Executive acululating in losses of 65 million. So, where to now? Perhaps a great oppurtunity to change the brand name? Tony Bradley appointed last year has turned the company fortunes around and is forcasted to deliver and put the Group back in the black to the tune in excess of 4.4 million. A solid platform has also been laid by a refocused Evan Christian (Chairman) bringing Peter Taylor and David Wolfenden onto the Advantage Group Board to oversee the running of the Group. Where many tech companies have suffered and faded into the distance in recent times, Advantage have shown their worth and survived the storm ready to deliver a strong result for its embattled shareholders. With no help from local NZ Herald media reporters, Bryan Gaynor seems to have pleasure in running Advantage into the ground, not suitable practice for the shareholder he is. Expect to see a stronger year to come with Bradly at the wheel and push for global footprints.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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