Note: This column represents the opinions
of the writer and as such, is not purported as fact
Sponsor's Message
It's time again for your weekly dose of humour, horror and curiosities from
the wierd, wacky and sometimes wonderful world wide web.
Of all the things you'd never ever want to drop, this
has to rank very near the top. Oops!
In a possible attempt to distance itself from the other high-flying auditors
and consultants, Price Waterhouse Coopers recently decided to change its name
to "Monday" (eh??). Well it seems that at least one person thought they'd
scored a bit of coup over a suitable
domain name for the newly branded company.
If you're a mad scientist planning a book, be careful, the censors might
get you and force you to pull the best stuff.
Where Do You Go To My Lovely?
To plagiarise and somewhat alter the lyrics of a famous song
from the 1960's:
Where do you go to my lovely, when you're alone on the web?
If I want that information I guess I could always check out the latest
Internet ratings reports from the likes of
Hitwise or the
service that Red Sheriff
is being commissioned to provide to local online publishers. But these
services are only going to tell us about sites that are already very
popular. They won't help us find the low-traffic sites that are perhaps
every bit as interesting and worthy of our time.
Yesterday I lamented the lack of support for small local sites so today I
thought I'd take the initiative and see whether we (the Internet community)
might not be able to give the little guys a helping hand.
Several times in recent years I've asked readers to send me a list of their
favourite but less well known local websites -- and I'm asking you to do it
I'm also asking web designers and web-hosting companies to maybe
think about creating a new site that will act as a focal point for promoting
local web-based content.
My initial thoughts are to create a resource where these sites can be
highlighted for the rest of is to find and check-out.
What's needed is more than "just another web directory" -- it should allow
people to contribute comments, reviews, suggestions, ideas for improvement and general
feedback on each of the sites listed.
If we could get enough people participating in contributing, such a site
would become a "must visit" for most of us who are always interested in
seeing what's new and what's interesting on the local scene.
Hands up all those who think this would be a great resource...
Hands up all those who have logged onto the Net and thought "gosh, what
shall I do now -- I can't think of anywhere new to visit"
My mailbox is open to anyone and everyone who has ideas or might be willing
to get involved in such a community project.
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