Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 7 August 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Simon For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Noel Leeming I have been accessing Noel Leeming's web site for a few weeks, under the impression that it was alrady finished and ready for use by customers. Looks like I have unknowingly been taking part in their testing! In the past, I have always found the site to be fast. Today is the first time I have found it to be slow. I like Noel Leeming's idea of letting you buy online and pick it up from the store - this has the advantage of letting you buy without the shop assistants hassling you, but you don't have to wait for the courier to call the next day. Unfortunately, the things I want to buy are at Dick Smiths. If only we could encourage Dick Smiths to adopt the scheme. Aardvark Responds Yes, I had a trawl around last week myself and found the site to be quite well designed -- but one of the problems when you're using a design that has many individual elements is that it's going to crawl like treacle when you get any amount of load on it. Commonsense would have dictated some type of contingency plan for "launch day." You only get one chance to make a good impression as Dave Blyth tells me. From: Alan For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Broadband Hi,perhaps Telecom should look at what some internet service providers are charging in England for broadband DSL access. The cheapest price I have found is 20 pounds,which is about $60nz dollars per month. This is a ADSL 512kb/s download speed. No download caps either. Take note Telecom New Zealand. From: Allister For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: ADSL, Broadband, Jetstart Bruce, I have to disagree that JetStart is not broadband. With my 56k modem, I used to get a practical limit of around 5.5k/s on downloads from a good connection to a near server. With my JetStart connection this practical limit is around 15.6k/s - almost 3 times as fast. To me, the definition of broadband is simply "magnitudes faster than dialup". JetStart fits this definition. Let's face it, modems were never going to exceed the basic 56k capability. Now, I fully support your stance on all other aspects of the service! For an additional $10 per month I could upgrade to JetStream 600. However for the extra speed I have to suffer: 1. No local traffic at 10% charge. 2. No Paradise traffic at 0 charge. 3. All of a sudden, given 1 and 2 above, my monthly usage exceeds 600Mb. Bugger. What I would go for would be a 256k or 512k limited bandwidth plan. I currently have 10Gb @ 128k. Give me 5Gb @ 256k or even 2Gb @ 512k and I'll be happy - oh, and for less than $10 extra a month per increment. Better yet, somebody come up with a practical and cheaper solution that does not involve Telecom in any way.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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