Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 10 September 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Alf West For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TNZ spam I also received spam from TNZ - 2 copies in fact. One to a "published" address, the other to a private one. This morning's Aardvark story reports TNZ's claim to be "an internet company". How odd then that the contact page on their website doesn't appear to have an email address? Headers show that the spam came via <> which *strangely* is related to TNZ. A little search at Domainz gives <> as their contact, so I guess he's the guy that deserves a mail bomb or two - not that I would encourage that sort of thing ;-) Hey TNZ - get your act together. Spamming is spamming is spamming, no matter what colour the sky is in your world! From: Ian For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: I got one too Yes, I am in New Zealand, but the address I use is I was also intrigued when I got a 403 (forbidden) at - any thoughts? From: mike For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Quick reply I hade my McAfee SpamKiller send a complaint to these people and got a quick reply: "I write with an apology to your recent e-mail. I have located the source of the e-mail spam and can assure you that it will not occur again. Once again please accept my apology. Regards Brett _______________________________________ Contact: Brett Dennerly TNZ Group Limited Http:// Ph +64 9 521-8039 Fax: +64 9 522 8839 _______________________________________" Yeah, right, Brett. I am trying very hard to control the email bombers in the office, but these people are leaving themselves wide open. Are (tremble!) lawyers safe for a couple of days in the "the world does not need another" department? From: Scott For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TNZ Spam Last night I received 4 emails from TNZ, two of which I opened and the next two went straight to Deleted Items. To put an interesting spin on their spam, however, I must say that i was actually genuinly interested in the service they were offering (web based txt messaging). I visited their site directly, not through the links provided in the email, and although the service looks good I will not be signing up - even for a free trial - because of the marketing tactic they used. Had someone referred me to their site via word of mouth I would have been much more likely to give them my custom. My marketing suggestions for TNZ would be to stop the spamming, and focus on providing a quality and cost effective service that makes your customers happy. In an online world customer service is one of the key ingredients to success :-) From: Peter For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TNZ Group The TNZ home page sums it up. "How can one business send hundreds of SMSs, faxes and emails at once?" By paying us to SPAM for you ! Aardvark Responds: Indeed -- they offer "Email Marketing" services on this page. Be afraid! From: Max For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: A reply from I emailed today, a few times to ask them to remove me from their mailing list, and eventually I got the following response. Aren't they the source of the email spam? Hi, I write with an apology to your recent e-mail. I have located the source of the e-mail spam and can assure you that it will not occur again and have been removed. Once again please accept my apology. Regards, Jared Hoy Fong ----------------------------------------------- TNZ GROUP LTD PO Box 25580, St Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand Ph +64 9 521-8039, Fax +64 9 522-8839 Email: ----------------------------------------------- From: Chris Beaven For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TNZ's response I noticed this link ( off their main page. Some quotes: "Spam is a fact of life. We live with it everyday, whether it is by fax machine, circulars or flyers in the post it is still unsolicited information. Why should e-mail be any different? Everyday our e-mail software is bombarded with offshore promotions, which we can elect to investigate further or simply delete. However, if a NZ company promoting services can assist your company, this is frowned upon." Umm, I think we frown on the 'offshore promotions' as well... "It looks like New Zealand companies want to remain in the dark." I'd rather be walking around in the dark than glaring unsolicited advertisements shoved through my eye sockets "On this basis, TNZ Group will not “spam” (spread knowledge) to the New Zealand lists again." Spreading knowledge... ROTFL! From: shane hobson For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TNZ spam I dislike spam as much as any other person, receiving about 30 spams every day (over 50% of my email is spam). I use Entourage for Mac OS X and it does an awesome job of trapping spam. I receive the usual trash from US spammers, but I would probably read junk from NZ spammers as long as it wasn't MLM. They say any publicity is good publicity and in my case that has proved true for TNZ. I use a USA based fax to email service and from your coverage on Aardvark I found that TNZ offered the same service, I have signed up to try it. My advice, get some good filtering in place and live with it. From: Arthur For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Opt Out hell no In the US they have an attitude that says you can spam so long as it is at no cost to the reciever, but Opt Out is not that, you have to use time and bandwidth to opt out and take the risk that you are only confirming a valid email address that can be on sold for more money. I say hang em high from what ever is handy. I have been nailed on my domain my MILF a porn opt out from the US and Euroupe, dam over a dozen a day all with different from addresses, dam hard to filter.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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