Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 2 October 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: Steven Heath For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: SRS info Few things. As part of the SRS you can pay for a name for up to 120 months. Domainz has chosen to only do 12 months. Also, the current 'street' price is $39.95 of .nz and it is not hard to find $29.95 (if you only buy based on cost). The wholesale rate for .nz come SRS is $2 per month (or $24 per year) and with direct access to the registry (unlike the moment) I would expect many registrars to offer services at below current street prices. I also think that in 6-12 months that the wholesale monthly rate will drop 20-30%. From: Baldman For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Bugbear! S'funny... I only read on your site last night about this "Bugbear" virus, and lo! I check my email this morning and I have my first email with Bugbear attachment. :) Interestingly enough, the email address it purports to be from? Now why does that not suprise me? Even if it's spoofed (and judging by the headers I would say it definitely is) the thought of a technophobic parliamentarian sending this stuff out just doesn't really shock me at all... From: Richard Shearer For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Domain registrations and renewals Under the new SRS registry environment, at freeparking we will be able to register or renew domain names for periods of up to 10 years. The full amount has to be paid to the registry at the time of transaction, so registrars wont be able to sit on lengthy renewal fees and drip feed them to the registry. Prices for registrations and renewals at freeparking will also be considerably lower than those advised by Domainz. Regards Richard Shearer Manager From: Jeff For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Jetstream usage Hi - I too am concerned about no independant measurement of Jetstream usage after experiencing a significant 24 hour traffic increase that I can't associate with any activity. Trouble is, I also can't find any software out there that will track it apart from stuff that'll logs only time and not traffic. Can anyone recommend some? From: David Farrar For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Scamers and Slamers It is worth noting that the new policies around the SRS prohibit the ING like tactics which we have observed by making Registrars responsible not just for their conduct but also those of their resellers. There may be some who will try their luck but they will probably find themselves facing the same sort fo swift action as DOMAINZ has meted out to ING in the past. With zone file access now being much more limited there is less opportunity for rogue companies to get hold of the data and mis-use it.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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