Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 7 October 2002
Note: the comments below are the unabridged
submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.
From: David Mohring For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: "The Real Battle" Vs Free Culture The "old" hollywood and broadcast media industry is suffering major problems with technology, even without the net. Doc Searls' article Talks about what he learned by attending last week's Digital Hollywood Conference in Beverly Hills. The best quote from the above """This became clear in a later panel, when the moderator asked how many people in the audience had a TiVo machine at home. Nearly every hand went up. Then he asked how many would honestly admit they used their TiVo to fast-forward through the ads. Just about every hand stayed up.""" From the other side, if you have not already listened to, or read Lessig's speech on free culture. I urge you to do so ASAP. The flash presentation brings home just how much we, as a society in general, have to lose. From: Peter Jenkins For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Net TV Programmes.. Well there is one program which does have a Internet section in it, and that is Flipside on TV2 ( Tues, Thurs). Unfortunately the net section is streamed by internet only and starts straight after the main programme. So I guess the theory is that if you want to know about net stuff you are already on the net and can view the live stream. The streams are available in both 56k and 128k and are quite watchable on my cable connection and are generally fast. If you view the streaming media version of the show, you get to see "Behind the Scenes" in the advert breaks and see what they get up to in the studio while the ads are on, which is very cool. Also they take Emails about topics they are talking about and read them out while the show is on, so its semi-interactive TV :) PS. I would be quite interested to know just how many people actually watch the show on the Internet!! I have my laptop plugged in the lounge so its quite convienient for me to watch it, but others it may not be. From: Ben Schmidt For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Net related TV programs TV 2 has a net related program called flipside that shows at 6:30pm during the week. I haven't really watched it but it seems to be aimed at the youth audience and has opionion polls and the like live on their website and they show the results throughout the program. From: Charlie For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Tech TV Saturn runs a US based (where else?) program called Tech TV, which covers a large range of computer tech issues. It runs 24 hrs I think, so subjects get repeated often. They cover news, new tech & releases, internet use, software and hardware reviews including comparisons with other products, hints and tips for everything including OS's, games & hardware, viewer question sessions, etc etc. Their target audience must be the average consumer, because it's not often that they feature anything that's news to someone who's really into computers or the industry, but it's still interesting to watch most of the time. From: robert rozee For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: a lack of technology/science in general... i feel there is a lack of technology/science programming on free-to-air television in general. in the past we had the likes of "Beyond 2000"; even "Scrapheap Challenge" could be considered technologically orientated in that it was directed towards motivating thought. but today, i can think of not one such program on air - apart from the odd documentary. just as we had the swing towards games shows ad nauseam back in the 1980's, now we have a proliferation of what is generally billed as 'quality drama', certainly a step up from games shows, but not exactly a class of content that expands the mind. perhaps it is time for NZ on Air to look at funding something local? From: Keith For : Right Of Reply (for publication) Subj: No Net TV programmes Perhaps the reason that TV doesn't pay much attention to the Net is because it might detract from its core purpose which is delivering punters to their advertisers! :-) From: Sam For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: Click Online Click Online is on BBC World on Sky Digital every Sat @ 6.30pm From: Dylan For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: The Net, on TV The problem with making a TV show about the internet is, that despite the fact that the internet is a visual medium, it doesn't translate so well into a TV broadcast. Simply because TV doesn't have the interactivity demanded by the internet. How often have you tried to read a news article or site that was on their screen and had them scroll to fast, or click on a link that wasn't the one you wanted? TV is like that, only you can't express you feelings to the man with the mouse. Also, I am sure many people have been on both sides of this one - teaching someone to do something on a computer. We all have different learning curves on these things, someone saying, "right, now click over here, and the put a tick in this box," may be good for some of us, but for others, we need to see that again, a couple of times, and we'd also like to know what happens when we click on *this* box instead of *that* one. It's certainly not impossible, and Click Online does do a fairly good job, but it's far from ideal. The passive nature of TV doesn't really do the internet justice, it really requires interactivity with the audience (it almost worked on talkback radio, but that became something like a broadcast helpdesk). Of course, there is still hope that a good compromise can be reached and an engaging internet-related TV show can come to our screens. From: Scott For : The Editor (for publication) Subj: TV Material on net/computing I've noticed that Sky TV has introduced alot of radio stations now on their digital service, maybe someone could approach sky and get a channel added (it's easy for them to do because of the number that the digital service can handle) about internet/computing. It could run 24x7 with repeats when new content isn't avaliable. Topics such as: A daily net/computing news at say 8pm so its out of the way of normal news Newbie net guide at normal times (between 4pm to 9pm) Linux/open source info and tutorials (9pm onwards because most of the people interested in that are up then) Software piracy Latest hardware Listings similar to the Trade whatever crap on Channel 4 with the latest hardware listings from vendors Gaming news/reviews I'm sure it would be easy to find content, the community can write it. All we need is someone to write the proposal and lead on.Hit Reload For Latest Comments
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