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Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 28 November 2002

Note: the comments below are the unabridged submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.


From: Allister Jenks
For : The Editor (for publication)
Subj: Free music

Hey, what a cool idea - I never thought of using TV2.
Never mind MP3.  I could do the full music vid to SVCD and
watch it hundreds of times over.

OTOH, I'm not exactly a fan of today's Top 20 music.
Perhaps the Juice or even better J2 channel on Sky would be
a better bet.  Not free, but already paid for.

Or pay some more and get the Sky Digital Music channels.
Better still.

Wow, those recording companies had better get suing eh?

From: Dominic
For : The Editor (for publication)
Subj: Relationship skills??

Just that - where are the recording industries relationship
skills. I think your article today is great. I certainly
see the recording industry's handling of me, the Net user,
somewhat differently as a result.

I'm sure they got a defence for your argument. I too have a
defence. Beat that!

From: Richard
For : The Editor (for publication)
Subj: Music recording

Y'know you have a great point there.  I remember recording
tunes from the radio direct to tape on my parent's Sony
stereo system when I was about 12 (I think) and that was
ages before I'd heard of this Internet thingy-whatsit.  As I
recall Sony had made it exceedingly easy to do it as well,
it needed only the barest glance at the user manual.

Then I was able to play said compilation tape on my Sony

I recall being at a trade event a while back, before a
certain electronics company had released the first consumer
DVD-recorder on the market.  Said company was showing off
one of it's internal prototypes.  Right across the hall from
them was a stand just as big and flashy owned by Sony.  I
said to the chap "Aren't you worried about people being able
to copy movies illegally?"  His reply made me smile,
motioning across the hall to Sony he said "Not really, you
see unlike our competitors, we don't make movies."

Ya gotta laugh :-)

Oh yes here in the UK an new radio format, Digital Audio
Broadcast (DAB), is being pushed - with all the usual
benefits of a digital standard - better reception, clarity, etc.

Excellent (Viz: Mr Burns)

I love the recording industry, never has so much stupid been
collected in one place before.

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