A Truly Unique Design Unfortunately, most people neither own, nor have easy access to these expensive tools and even if they did, some of the skills required, such as welding thin stainless steel, can't be learned overnight. So, after much head-scratching, I've come up with a truly unique pulsejet engine design that can be built with a very modest collection of tools and no special skills. Okay, so it's not going to be as light and powerful as a more sophisticated design might be but it's so simple that almost anyone should be able to build it in a day or less. Here are the tools you'll need:
This configuration allows the creation of an engine that has a large cross-sectional area at the front so that adequate valving area can be used, while producing a narrower cross-section for what is effectively the tailpipe. Using this design it is no longer necessary to weld two different diameter sections of tube together using a cone in between as is normally the case with small pulsejets. The ends of the inner tube obviously need to be cut and bent so that they form a "point" to provide for better gas-flow and even this can be done with nothing more than a hacksaw, hammer and a little patience -- as you'll see. The valveplate will be cut from flat aluminum plate so that it's a snug fit inside the front of the outer tube. The holes through which the incoming air will pass can be drilled (and optionally filed to shape). A full, constructional feature on how to build this engine, complete with plenty of photos and video, will be included in the final edition of my book but I'll also place a shorter version of the project here on these webpages. I hope to update this page in the coming week.