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All is lost (political commentary)

5 Feb 2025

Deviating from the normal sci/tech content today because I just read a news report about a concerning situation here in New Zealand.

We live in a nation which, during the almost 50 years I've been here (since arriving in 1977), has seen itself becoming increasingly divided along racial lines.

I've written before about "the good old days" when a Kiwi was just a Kiwi, regardless of their skin colour or racial origins. This was one of the things that made New Zealand great. It really was a nation of one people united under a common banner.

Parts of Maori culture was deeply ingrained in many aspects of life and appreciated by brown and white skinned Kiwis alike. Similarly, the European culture from where most pale-faced NZers had once originated was also part of what made people uniquely Kiwi.

A Kiwi was a Kiwi, regardless of their colour, race or religion.

Godzone was a happy place.

Sadly, those days are gone.

Today, many non-Maori are made to feel like unwanted visitors in their own country by a tiny few who gorge themselves on the culture of entitlement.

Before I go on, note that I said "a tiny few". I make no suggestion that the vast majority of Maori have this mindset. Fortunately for us all, there are still a hell of a lot of "Kiwis" out there of all colours and racial origins - but their number does seem to be dropping.

Why is it dropping?

Because there's a fortune to be made in the industry of creating division within our ranks.

Highlighting this are a few recent events that I'll share here.

According to this NZH report, a realtor has lost their case to reject the diktat that they submit to a course that promotes Maori values and is thus effectively prohibited from working for the next five years as a result.

This smacks of "The Ministry of Truth" (Orwellian reference).

For the courts to turn around and effectively say "shut up and take the medication" is, in my opinion, an outrageous demonstration of just how bad things have got.

Would we see the same response if all realtors were required to take a course in European values? What's the bet that such a thing would never become compulsory because it might be seen to offend the "tiny few" that have made a career out of being outraged and playing the victim?

If you want to see a couple of the "tiny few" in action, take a look at this video of a submission made to the Justice Committee in respect to the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill" currently before parliament. Pay particular attention to the response of the woman at the 09:16 mark.

"What qualifies you to speak about Maori?"

Excuse me???

What an arrogant and ridiculous question from this perfect example of the "tiny few".

This was a hearing for public submissions where people of any race, colour, creed or religion is entitled by law to voice their opinions. There is no qualification required and for this woman to challenge the presenter's right to speak is just a perfect example of the type of lunacy that actively seeks to divide this country along race-lines.

But wait... it gets worse!

The Maori gentlman to the woman's right shouts out "It's a privilege" at the 9:47 mark, something which is patently untrue and shows contempt for the *rights* of the submitter.

This guy's rudeness and arrogance (and that of the woman next to him) continues in the seconds that follow -- to the point that the chair has to warn them that they may be asked to leave the room.

These two clowns have tarnished the reputation of Maori through their petulant, arrogant, childish behaviour and their contempt for the freedoms and rights of all Kiwis under the process that was being pursued in that meeting room.

One can't help but feel embarassed for all Maori in light of this crass behaviour by those who purport to represent them.

I truly fear for the future of this fantastic nation and its people if the "tiny few" are allowed to continue with their plans to divide the nation along race lines and to rewrite The Treaty in an attempt to feather their own nests -- and I'm not talking about the nests of Maoridom, just that of the "tiny few" who reap rich rewards from their shite-stirring.

Perhaps I've ruffled a few feathers with today's column but I simply can not simply sit quietly and watch this beautiful nation of one harmonious people torn apart by those who think only of their own personal enrichment and not the wonderful people they claim to represent.

Bring back carless days and racial harmony! (well maybe not carless days).

Carpe Diem folks!

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