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HHO Scams in the news

October 2008

Until recently the mainstream media has been happy to take the word of many HHO scammers at face value but fortunately they're now realizing that these claims simply "don't hold water".

I'm now getting several emails each day from newspapers, magazines and broadcast journalists who are seeking to find out the truth about the claims being made by those touting these "jam-jar" fuelsavers.

The tone of the stories being carried by credible media outlets is now changing to reflect the truth about the folly of such systems.

On this page, I'll be keeping a regularly updated list of news stories that challenge the scammers and their claims.

The first link does not directly deal with HHO itself but one of the biggest fuel-saver scams ever perpetrated. I've included it because it speaks volumes to the gullibility of not just every-day people but also those in high places (including governments) who ought to know better.

Please watch the 44 minute video on this page. (Broadband, or Dialup).

You may find it hard to believe what this scammer got away with, including the collection of $100m in investor funds and duping the Australian government into also giving him money. It shows the levels that scammers will stoop to in order to feather their own nests by telling outright lies, fabricating "test results" and by simply telling people what they want to hear, even though it's not true.

Other HHO stories in the news (updated 1 Oct 2008)


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Please spread the word to save people from wasting their cash and help put these scammers out of business. Link to the first page of this feature and tell your friends about it.

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