A Note For Employers and Agencies:
Here's your chance to reach Aardvark's uniquely qualified daily audience of
around 2,000 top local IT professionals, plus many others regularly
accessing the Aardvark site from other countries.
Over 85% of Aardvark's audience work in the IT industry and many of them
make Aardvark their regular first port of call when logging onto the Net
each day.
There is currently no charge for registering contract, part-time or full-time
positions on this site.
Why not try it out -- what do you have to lose?
Post A Job
Employment Opportunities:
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Anyone using this service accepts that they do so on the understanding
that Aardvark offers no guarantees as to the accuracy or validity of any
information posted here and that any and all risk associated with the
use of this information is entirely that of the user.