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ING's Legal Threats. Refer to Aardvark Daily 31 August 2001

Note: the comments below are the unabridged submissions of a 3rd-party and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.


From:            "Mark Spektor"
To:              "editor"
Subject:         Internet Name Group
Date sent:       Thu, 30 Aug 2001 18:28:08 +1000

Dear Sir,

We refer to your conversation with Mr Sasha Sudakov of our office of even

We note that you tried to extract information from Mr Sudakov regarding
our campaign. We also note that you have and are intending to publish an
article on your web site www.aardvark.co.nz titled "The Great Domain Name

We place you on record that the conversation with Mr Sudakov was at all
time confidential and off the record. Should you publish the contents of
the conversation or any part thereof, or link our company in any shape or
form to the above article, we will issue proceedings seeking injunctive
relief and damages. Should proceedings be issued we  shall seek costs
against you. This email will be produced on the question of notice to you
and costs.

We are prepared to assist you in the preparation and compilation of an
article for publication. However, any questions must be provided before
the interview in written form at least 48 hours before. We will not be
ambushed by way of impromptu telephone call for the purposes of any

We put you on notice of the above and reserve all of our rights.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Spektor
Legal Counsel
Internet Name Group
222 St Kilda Road. St.Kilda
Melbourne. VIC 3182
Tel : +61 3 9525 5285
Fax : +61 3 9525 5300
Email : mark@internetnamegroup.com 
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are not the intended recipient of this message you must not disseminate,
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message in error, please notify Internet Name Group immediately. Any views
expressed in this message are those of the individual sender except where
the sender specifically states them to be the views of Internet Name
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