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Reader Comments on Aardvark Daily 17 October 2002

Note: the comments below are the unabridged submissions of readers and do
not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher.


From: Peter
For : The Editor (for publication)
Subj: Rating websites

Simple numbers like the RedSheriff rankings can miss a lot
of information.

I am an Xtra customer, and regularly visit the website so I
can  check my email away from home - I need to do this for
some of my work.

But I rarely bother to look at any information let alone
advertising on XtraMSN, I don't like the site.

How many people have installed for Xtra and have had that
set up as their home site and don't know they can or can't
be bothered changing it? And how how many of these skip
through it to go where they want?

My rankings:
 Aardvark (I would have to list that first here wouldn't I)
 Google searching for many and varied subjects
 NZOOM (mainly sports)
 Washington Post
 Mail via mail client therefore not website
A few times a week:
 Microsoft.com (trying to sort out software problems)
 dunedincity.com (local weather)
And a bunch of others occasionally (no porn for two years,
it got very boring, besides, I have a very good relationship
which I find is a lot more satisfying way to spend that sort
of time)

Total time spent on the net I use it for work and personal)
- maybe 10 hours
Time skipping through XtraMSN (and sometimes looking at
acount details) - 5 minutes.
Time deleting the HTML Xtra newsletter each week - 1 second
(never liked it, and now it seems to be just a glitzier sort
of boring).

From: Mike
For : The Editor (for publication)
Subj: xtramsn

How many hits on the xtramsn site can be attributed to the
fact that you are automatically taken there when logging
out of hotmail? I've also had a new browser session open at
xtramsn/business page when logging in to hotmail. No wonder
they are at the top of the rankings.

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